13 Things Humans Do that Their Dogs Hate #13 Is The Most Devastating

7. Dressing Them
Many dogs only tolerate this act and don’t really enjoy it. There are always those exceptions to the rule. Many feel anxieties when dressed in costumes.
8. Not Letting Them Sniff Around
A dog’s main way to gather information about their surroundings is to sniff. When they are out walking or going out for a potty break, try to let them sniff around for an adequate amount of time. It’s important to be sensitive to this issue.
9. Putting them in Scary Situations
If they are afraid and fearful around the vacuum cleaner or a place, forcing them to face this fear won’t work. It can actually do more harm than good
10. Leaving them Alone A lot
Dogs are considered to be a member of a pack; you are typically their pack leader. If you spend a lot of time away, and then continue to ignore them when you arrive home, they will be sad, and potentially vindictive.
11. When you’re in A Bad Mood
When you are stressed or angry, your dog can sense this with her empathy sills. While everyone has their share of bad days, negative emotions can put your dog into a state of depression that you are unaware of.
12. Strong Odors
A dog nose is amazing. It is much more sensitive than ours to scents. If you are wearing a strong perfume or shampoo, your dog can sense this, and it may just be too much for them.
13. Abandoning Them to a Shelter
Dogs don’t do well when they are removed and kicked out of their family. Think about how you would feel if one day your family dropped you off at an unfamiliar environment with strangers, never to return again
By following some of these NOT to do methods above, you can ensure you and your dog have the happiest life together possible.