13 Ways Your Dogs Show Love That Make Us Love Them Right Back

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

Sniffing You

Dogs rely on their noses for many things, and one of those is a way to say hello to those they love. So when your furry friend starts to sniff at you, they are just trying to greet you.

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Yes, it’s true, dogs do smile. You may have even caught yours flashing their pearly whites on film. Their smile can be a big sign of love and affection.

Peeing Near You

When dogs pee near you or in front of you, it’s a sign that they recognize you as their leader. And they have a feeling of respect towards you.

Taking Care of You When You’re Sick

Dogs have a natural ability to recognize when you don’t feel well, and because of their loving nature, they will try to care for you when you are sick. This may be by attempting to lick a wound or just being near you to comfort you.

Being Loyal

The one thing your life that you can always count on is your dog. Dogs are one of the most loyal species there is. And when they love you, they love you with their entire heart and soul and will stick by you through thick and thin.


Dogs have a natural tendency to roughhouse; it’s their way of showing affection and also playing.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.