What This 13 Year Old Did To Save Poor Dog Is Amazing

It became evident when Bradley North approached the car and the dog inside jumped with joy.
In excitement and in a desperate attempt to get out of the car, the dog jumped through the window which was closed. He shattered the glass window in the process and popped out of the window. Unfortunately, he was leashed and could not really get out completely. The dog got stuck due to the leash which left him hanging outside the door. Bradley North had a prompt response. He immediately rushed to the car, helped unleash the dog and tried to comfort him. Bradley stayed with the dog for fifteen minutes trying to recover the dog. The dog was unconscious due to the trauma. Fortunately, he did not have any grave injuries and he was still breathing.
Bradley waited for the owner to return to the car and only after ensuring that the dog is safe did he leave. The dog is fine now and completely safe. Bradley has just done what every dog lover should do and it just shows how alertness and compassion can save a life.
You can read the full story this review is based on here.
Images source: Prestwich People