30 Pet Facts That Will Surely Blow Your Mind!

A cat’s coat pattern can mean a lot. A black cat protects your home. Ginger cats attract riches to your home. Love and harmony are brought by smoke and gray-colored cats. If you want happiness and good fortune, striped cats are what you need. Siamese is known to bring good health, long life and success o their owners. Three-colored cats strengthen the family while two colored cats share their wisdom. White cats can cure many illnesses and removes their owner’s stress.
A cat’s purring with the range of 20-140HZ has medicinal qualities – it lowers stress level, evens out your blood pressure, heals broken bones faster and risks of heart attacks falls and aid in healing soft tissue and wounds.
Cats are called in many forms depending on the country. What Italian people call cats is different from how we call cats here in the US.
Cats and dogs behave differently – anyone can attest to that. Much like what the video shows, these are some of the things that cats and dogs do differently.
When the owner sleeps, the dog watches him, while the cat sleeps on his owner, most likely on the face. Dogs love showing affection and will lick you non-stop to show thy love you. On the other hand, cats will let you know to stop when you’re showing them affection. When dogs ask for food, they eat it right away. Cats ask for food and leave it after you’ve given them food.
Dogs are more affectionate with all their licking and hugging while cats would rather rub their body on your feet and then settle on cleaning themselves. When you arrive at work, dogs will get all excited while cats will ignore you most of the time. Cats hate water while most dogs love a bath. There are more behaviors that shows just how cats and dogs differ from each other, but we cannot deny they come to be one of the best pets for humans.