7 Tips to Eliminate the Separation Anxiety In Your Dog And Make Your Dog Happier

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5. Do not touch or look at your dog-When you leave your home, be sure to impart a clear message to your dog that temporary separation is not a big deal. Do not look at him or make any physical contact with the dog when you leave.
6. Saying Goodbye-If you want to say Goodbye to your dog or share some words of affection towards him, be sure to do it hours before your actual time of leaving. This is a practice that is directed towards you rather than towards the dog.
7. Start small-train your dogs by telling him that leaving him for hours would be the normal case. Try to leave him for 5 minutes at first then increase the time as your training progresses. By training the dog, you will be able to leave him without worrying about separation anxiety.
How about you? Do you have proven methods on removing the separation anxiety of your dogs? Share them with us and tell us how you managed to do it.

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