8 Foods You Can Share And Enjoy With Your Dogs!

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In addition to these foods, I also learned that there are more foods that are good and safe for dogs to eat. Some of these are:

Peppermint – can help settle an upset tummy.

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Carob – this is the best substitute for chocolates. It has many properties but does not contain harmful ingredients found in chocolates such as caffeine and theobromine.

Pears – are okay for dogs to eat, but just like apples, the seeds can be harmful and toxic to pooches

Popcorn – as long as your popcorn is plain, dogs can enjoy them too.

Pretzels – they can enjoy these treat as long as you give them the unsalted and low-sodium ones.

Bear in mind that these foods should be given in very minimal amounts and only occasionally as a treat. Ask your dog’s vet for the amount they can consume these foods as every dog is unique. A small quantity may already be harmful to another dog breed, which is why safety should always be a priority. Now you know which foods are safe to share with your dogs, you can now enjoy your favorite food that you can also give to your dog.

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