Abandoned Pup Who Couldn’t Walk Gets A Second Chance In Life

They continued with the therapies and giving him the love, care, and support he deserves. Bueller’s a determined bulldog who would find ways to get what he wants. After a while, Bueller was finally able to make his first steps. The day he was finally able to walk was the day he made his rescuers cry out of joy.
One day, a couple saw Bueller on the news. When the little pup looked into the camera, they felt it sealed the deal. They need to take him home, make him their pet and make their life happier again.
They used to have a dog who died a few months prior seeing Bueller in the news. Not having their pet made their quiet home unbearable, but they were not sure if they were ready to adopt another dog. However, when they thought about the many days, weeks, months and years they were with their pet, and how happy they were before he left, made them realize they do want another dog.
The day before they went to meet Bueller, they felt like it was Christmas Eve. They were so excited to finally meet him. On the next day, they went to the adoption center. His soon to be owners and Bueller were very nervous when they first met. Everyone bid their goodbyes to the little bundle of joy they cared for the past weeks and wished to see him again in the future.
When the couple arrived home with their new pet, Bueller was timid. His owners felt like taking a child home from a long stay at the hospital. They were very aware of him and can’t help but smile at everything Bueller does. Eventually, he went out of his shell and started to feel at home. He still has trouble walking, but they made sure he gets enough exercise and toys to help him try to walk more.
The first place they went with Bueller was the beach. He wasn’t a big fan of the water but loved the sand. He would keep running around in his own way. Back at home, they gave him a ball to help strengthen his muscles by making him run after it and play with it.