When This Animal Shelter Got Robbed Nobody Expected This To Happen

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The whole story was shared on social networks like Facebook. Initially, help was sought only to identify the culprit or to get any information about the people responsible for the theft. However, what happened was angelic intervention.
As the news spread far and wide, the local community sprang up to act. Hundreds of people turned up at the rescue to donate food. Kids came in with small packets of cat food, parents came in with large bags of dog food, some elderly people and even those who don’t have pets in their homes contributed. The people responded swiftly and generously, loading the rescue center with scores of bags. By the end of the day, the rescue had more than five times the food that was stolen the previous night.
This is not just a remarkable feat but also an indication of what can be achieved when people come together. Here’s more power to such wonderful people, the staffs at the rescue and animal lovers.

Main image source: Glynis Citarelli

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