Astonishing Benefits of Owning a Dog: Puppy Love Is The Best

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  • Even though children love dogs, these canines can help have better school attendance for kids.


Since dogs help boost a child’s immunity and lessen risks for allergies and sickness, kids are less likely to skip and miss school.

  • Owning a dog helps reduce stress levels.

Pets, in general, are natural stress relievers. There have a numerous amount of studies conducted and they have shown to decrease stress levels even by simply watching dogs. Just imagine if you even own one!

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  • Pet dogs reduce depression.

Your pet dog offers you constant companionship and extends positive effects on your mental health too. Taking care of a dog relieve the symptoms of stress and also encourages positivity.

  • They can ease your pain and anxiety levels.

A study was conducted by the Loyola University regarding patients who use pet therapy after surgeries.

It was found that these patients needed lesser amounts of pain medication compared to those who do not use pet therapy. Which only means pets were able to decrease the patients’ anxiety levels, which in turn lowered their pain.

  • They help promote a healthier heart and a long life.

Pets like dogs help people live happier and longer lives. Owning a dog lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Studies have shown that people with pets, especially men, have a higher chance of surviving a heart attack than those without pets.

  • Owning a dog lower risks for general illnesses.

Dog owners are exposed to more germs than those without dogs, and as a result, their immune system is built up against diseases.

If you own a dog, you are more likely to get sick less and less severe than those who do not own one.

  • They can monitor a Diabetic’s glucose levels.

Nowadays, you’ll find that there are some dogs trained to change their behaviors when their owners’ blood sugar drops.

An organization such as Dogs4Diabetics does this training to help Diabetic dog-owners monitor their blood sugar levels.

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