Be Aware of the Risks When You Let Your Dog Play in the Water

Susan took Kinetic to the vet and her blood was tested. The levels of potassium and sodium in the blood were off the scale. Kinetic’s brain started swelling and her vital organs started to fail her. Kinetic was put on a respirator. In a few hours, she was no more.
Susan was clueless and helpless, so was Kinetic. The vet explained what had happened and that is something every pet parent or dog parent must know. The cause of death was water intoxication. It is not a common condition but can be lethal when happens. The condition develops when too much water enters the body of a dog, decreasing the sodium levels causing hyponatremia. To counter this, the body of the dog allows more fluid inside the cells. While organs like the liver can take in more fluid and would allow expansion of cells, organs like the brain will not respond the same way.
Water intoxication can lead to death in just a few hours. From symptoms like bloating, lethargy and vomiting, loss of coordination, restlessness, unnatural salivation, pale gums, glazed eyes and dilated pupils to malfunctioning vital organs, the transition can be very swift.
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