(AWESOME) Best Friends Sanctuary – ADOPT A PET

This is an amazing project the has a lot to offer. To the animals that are part of the facility and to the people that are looking to adapt a pet.
Facility has a full time numerous staff of veterinarians and trainers and so on. They take all animals in. They have farm animals, cats, dogs.
Not every dog that crosses the entrance of Best Friends Sanctuary is adoptable right away. Some dogs are extremely aggressive and are put through rehabilitation program to ensure that they behave and there others that behave, but need medical attention before they are ready to be adapted.
We have recently reported about a Labrador Retriever that was shot, dragged behind a car and left for dead . There is absolutely no reason to do to the pet what that poor dog endured. This is not the only place that possibly could have accepted that dog in, there are many other places that would do that. And we will be adding them shortly.
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