Bolinha the Obese and Abandoned Dog That Was Fed Too Much, But Not Loved

Thirteen Years Ago, a Puppy Was Abandoned At a Run Down Gas Station On a Back Road In Western Brazil.
He grew up as a curiosity. He grew. In thirteen years, Bolinha ballooned up to 80 pounds. People came to see him when pumping gas. They fed him, pointed at him, laughed at his absurdly round body.
He got plenty of attention. But the attention that Bolinha did not get was any form of affection or empathy.
He lived outside of the gas station in filth. He did not know the comfort of a human hand. He did not know love.
After years of neglect and deplorable living conditions, a kind person came to rescue Bolinha.
This man had heard of Bolinha’s poor condition and made the commitment to make a difference in his life.
This was no easy task. Bolinha was filthy and surrounded by clutter and debris. He was so heavy that he could barely walk on his spindly legs. Just freeing him from the only home he had ever known was difficult.
Bolinha was taken in by the Animal Protection Organization, otherwise known as OPA-MT. There he was put in the loving hands of a compassionate staff. They gave him what was probably the first bath he had ever had. He seemed to love it.
Things were really looking up for Bolinha. For the first time in his life, he was being truly cared for. He was safe!
His new caretakers provided something they realized he needed, protection, interaction, and love.
Now there was another important thing that Bolinha needed. He was seriously obese. He needed to be put on a diet that would help him lose weight. A healthy diet that would help him thrive and live out his days in health and happiness.
Image source: TheDodo / Facebook/PamPet