Bolinha the Obese and Abandoned Dog That Was Fed Too Much, But Not Loved

Bolinha’s Problem Was N0t Just His Obesity.
He was in very poor physical condition. He had lived in a confined space and had not had any opportunity to get any kind of exercise.
In the condition he was in, an exercise program needed to be instituted that would build his strength gradually and slowly help him shed all those extra pounds.
His new exercise regimen began with an underwater treadmill. There he could get exercise that would buoy up his excess weight and keep stress and strain off his weak joints. At the same time, the resistance of underwater exercise built up his muscles.
Image source: Facebook/PamPet / TheDodo
Weight loss and renewed strength did not happen overnight. But gradually, a new Bolinha began to emerge.
His food intake had been cut back, but in its place he had something he had never known- play and affection.
In the time since his rescue, Bolinha has lost more than thirty pounds. His health is vastly improved and the lonely, fat, sad dog that lived in squalor is now a happy, thinner, healthier dog. He now lives among people that truly care for him and have given him the life that every dog deserves.
You can read the full story this review is based on at TheDodo