A Lone Duct Comforts A Mourning Dog One Lazy Afternoon, And Both Of Their Lives Are Changed Forever

I’ve always been a sucker for a happy ending, especially if the dogs are involved. As a pet owner, you get to realize you can love someone more than yourself, other than your kids and family. They’re like an extension of your kids and feels like home. I was sad when I first learned of the story of George. He seems to be such a great friend. A new one can never replace your best buddy, but can always help you heal a broken heart.
This is the story of the unusual friendship between a dog and a duck.
George, the dog, became depressed and constantly whines when he lost his best friend Blackie, the Labrador. His owner Jacquie Litton said he was always sulking, always lonely and simply overcome with deep sorrow since Blackie passed away.
The dog won’t welcome his owners from the car, would just look at them while he himself looks sad, and won’t even go inside the house.
Then one day, all things changed for this broken-hearted dog.
A white duck came to George’s rescue. The lonely dog was out in the backyard when his owner went out to check on him. There Jacquie found a stranger in their back porch, a seemingly out of place white duck.
From then on, the dainty duck never left the dog’s side and eventually brought back George’s old self – a happy and playful dog. Litton said George spends all his time with his feathery friend who came out of nowhere.