A Lone Duct Comforts A Mourning Dog One Lazy Afternoon, And Both Of Their Lives Are Changed Forever

He lets the white duck sleep on his dog bed, sits on his leg and just enjoys time together. The newfound friend never left George’s side, and George the dog never a shed a tear again.
His owner stated they do not bother with the duck’s droppings, as long as their baby George is happy. They are even planning to replace the bird’s bat for their new family member.
Oh! I just love happy endings. Hearing this story no matter how many times I’ve seen it before makes my heart swell. Sometimes what we need is someone we can lean on to. At times, the greatest friend comes in a form we won’t totally expect.
In George’s case, he found a new friend in the form of a duck – not even a furry creature like he is at that. It’s amazing how one dog can find peace with the help of someone who is not even a different breed, but a totally different species.
How come humans can’t be like this? As someone as advanced as we are, someone who has logic and reasoning can’t be like this dog and duck? I just hope one day, all will be friends, and no more fights, wars, racism or whatsoever will occur. It’s just sad to think animals have a better understanding when it comes to empathy and compassion, yet we who are definitely more intelligent fail to do so.
You can read the full story this review is based on at WKOW27.
Image Source: WKOW27