This Dog Has Never Seen Such Love And Care And His Reaction Is Priceless

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Their lack of aggression makes them ideal for the fight dogs to attack and sharpen their fighting skills without getting hurt. Rambo’s jaws were perhaps tied and teeth filed up so he could not bite back or eve bark during the bait fights. Imagine being helpless and being subjected to violence for days and perhaps weeks, as is indicative from the wounds of Rambo.
Source: Baxter Veterinary Clinic
Fortunately for Rambo, Casey Lawrence got lost during one of her usual field trips to show properties in the area. The real estate agent found Rambo amongst animal carcasses. The place later turned out to be an animal dumping site. Lawrence is a board member of Every Life Matters Animal Rescue so she was quick to get help. At the clinic, Rambo has undergone a warm bath, he has been fed and pampered with care, he has the medical help on standby and also the experts looking after his needs. Rambo has been showing signs of progress. He is wagging his tail, playing with a stuffed animal and is not averse to kissing and getting kissed. Clearly, he wants to live and will have a dignified life.
You can read the full story this review is based on here.

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