This Dog Ran Over To An Injured Coyote, What Happens Next Is So Unbelievable

September 17, 2024 | Breaking, Dogs And More..., General, Videos
| Nature Takes Care Of Itself
This coyote injured his paw and was resting under the sun in the field at Harry Moss Park in Dallas. It is approx. 5.5 miles of mountain bike trail located along the bank of the White Rock Creek. This place attracts a lot of dog walkers and many of the dogs in the park are running around unleashed. It wasn’t obvious why this coyote is sitting in the high grass in the middle of the field with all of the people and dogs around, until…
Peacefully resting until…
This old labrador dog thought he can…turned out he can’t! Injured coyote showed the dog who is in charge here!
On the look out for more dogs…
Click to the next page to read more and to watch this amazing video…
We are not in charge
Did somebody took care of the hurt leg of the coyote or they just record and left the animal suffering???
What part of WILD ANIMAL do you not get?????
The coyote is betterr off left alone, unfortunately most areas euthanize coyotes if they capture them. In fact, that is the law in Georgia, had he been here, they woud kill him. Animals get injured in the wild and nature takes care of them through survival of the fittest. I do want to say that I take exception to the headline that says the coyote attacked the pet dog. He did not attack, he defended himself from a perceived threat.
That’s like if you are here in Florida and you’re out in the woods. People want to kill the bears because they are protecting their young. Or the dumb people down here go out and throw food to the bears and then they don’t understand why that bear wants more food and they kill the bears. This really pisses me off. It seems like the only thing people know how to do here in Florida is kill the bears,aligators ,deer out of season. I only believe in killing an animal for food not for sport and only what you really need. They kill them and only take the horns and leave the rest to rot.
I wouldn’t let my dog near a stinking coyote – might have had rabies and they are just nasty anyhow. Too dangerous.
I do not understand why one species (us) has declared war on another species (coyotes), but there it is. So many feel the only good coyote is a dead one.
people have a hard time realizing that we moved into the animals neighborhood, and not the other way around. We are invading their space. Much like we did to the indians….
Coyotes usually travel in packs and to them the only welcome stranger is a delicous stranger. That old Lab was lucky.