When Rescuers Came To Pick This Poor Pooch Up They Didn’t Expect To Find This…

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

Dog rescue with a big surprise.

The two dog rescuers from Hope For Paws weren’t prepared to see what they saw. But when they were pulling the dog out of the bushes, the dog was scared and one of her eyes badly injured. But that is not all. This poor dog was hesitant to go anywhere and on top of that rescuers heard something coming over from the bushes where they just pulled this homeless dog from. Please watch this amazing rescue video to find out what happen next.

She was very hesitant to come out!
 dog rescue with surprise
But with a little bit of encouragement she was willing to pop her head out…
 dog rescue with surprise

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.