This Dog Video Will Make You Cry Tears Of Joy!

Pumpkin was found alone, lost, and confused by the side of the road. Its body was covered in shocking chemical burns. Even worse, some inhuman monster actually shot the dog with a BB gun. Can you imagine? I try not to. It is sometimes hard to believe that we live in a world that can be so brutal and disgusting sometimes.
But this story has a happy ending. I can promise you that much. Unfortunately, before that could happen, some creep took a picture and shared it on social media with a caption that was meant to be humorous. I say “meant to be humorous”, because I just can’t imagine anyone ever finding humor in the torture of a beautiful dog.
But then the word got out on social media. The dog quickly garnered attention from Houston residents and beyond. Before long, the dog was rescued. It can finally begin a life that will not involve the kind of cruelty it has been made to endure so far. If you’re like me, you’re going to be crying pretty hard at the end of this!
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