Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan Didn’t See This Coming

This is a super incredible video of Cesar trying to rehabilitate and train Holly – The Yellow Labrador Retriever.
You will be able to see the conclusion of that horrific bite and the results of the enormous amount of time spent training and rehabilitating Holly – the yellow labrador retriever. It is a very unfortunate situation that the dog did what she did and that it has gotten to such a bad state.
But these young parents did the best thing that they could have done for their little baby – they have contacted the right person for the job.(in this case, probably the best person for the job) It is extremely important to take all of the necessary precautions and to avoid tragedy. When it comes to yourself you can take risks and parents were bitten by their Labrador pooch multiple times before, but when it comes to a small child that you are responsible for there shouldn’t be any risk taking. All risks should be avoided at all costs. Watch the conclusion to the amazing video you saw earlier. The ending will probably shock you…
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(AMAZING VIDEO) Cesar Millan Worst Bite – Revisited
Source: NatGeoWild
Fuck off eny dog can turn on u i bet the dog was sceard
This man is amazing. 🙂
How do I get to the video?
i trainer pit bull 8 month old very angry aggression bite i learn about cesar train teacher dogs i love it i teacher to my pit bull bite all the time 1 month later my pit bull stop bite 3 yrs old pit bull come with me good love azaming i m happy now he doing good new friend other dog i feel good
to Kaye Matter, scroll down and under Discover your dog is numbers , click on 2
Yep. this one was a bad bite.
All dogs will bite and labs are fantastic dogs but this dog had a major food aggression. I saw the full episode. Even after having him at Cesars ranch for a few months he still showed some issues so the owners allowed Cesar to keep him. My Lab is gentle and loves everyone but I still pay close attention when he is meeting anyone new. One bite and I could lose my best friend.
Bad situation. Great trainer. Would love to see the follow up
one things my pit bull have little problem he hate cat i dont know what go on i trainer pit bull all the time i m third first time dog pit bull and police arrest 1 man fail and second man fail i m good responsed pit bull i trainer one things i yell no max he scare i said no how he very angry aggression stay away cat in the house dog with pit bull kept company play i dont understand before he love cat 1 yrs cat died cat sick he become angry i dont know what go on i kept eye my dog sit sleep with me
Worse trainer. Has no idea what to do to communicate. He is just a bully. Got what he deserved!!!
you know how you fix a dog like this you starve it sounds like a very bad way but your not going to keep a dog that bites everyone in the family when a dog gets agressive or qrawls when you feed them take away the food couple’s day’s keep doing that it works
cesar is one of the best trainers ever… You may want to check the progress this dog has made since that taping. This dog needed to be rehabiliated and thank God for people like cesar who can take a dog who we think should be put down and coach them into normal living. check this link for what the dog looks like after his rehabiliation
I don’t want a new career in I T. Just play the video !
Your spelling sucks.
I love dogs and would only give up on one if my safety or the safety of others was in danger. This dog is a danger to their child. It must go.
Caesar Milan is an expert on nothing, with no real training on behavior or behavior modification. In fact, he is a braggart about this fact and how he is self-taught… His methodology is based on intimidation and completely contradicts the science and psychology of the species. He is an insult to real trainers everywhere.
Nicole Jackson is a horrible person to talk about Cesar like that
My wife is the same as that daft dug! A just take ma boot clean Af her face when she starts her pish! Job done.
i think Caesar Milan is great . self taught or what ever, he is a natural at what he does . he has trainers looking for him for guides
Actually labs are one of the most agressive dogs out there idiots
Uneducated fools pick up a book look at recent studies
Oh im sorry i guess your a proffesinal vet and all the recent studies are all wrong
Ya if you got a lab
You most likely get busted
Sounds here to me its tit for tat im a dog behavourist i see into a dogs body i read it , just like people all dogs are different no matter the breed, More or less if you get a resue they need work more so if you dont know the dogs past, Ceaser to me is ok and yes he uses methods behind the camara he dont need to , but he knows his stuff , as i say we are all different .why you all fighting over dogs when theres so many out there that need you??????????????????????????????????
This poor pup has been hungry at some in it’s life.
Oh yeah that dog is very frightened and anyone who thinks this hack just cured that dog is crazy! That dog is supressing it now because of that man and that agression will come out sooner or later. He was afraid he was going to take his food and guess what? Now he is afraid of that man! It is a lose lose situation for the dog! Trust me he will bite someone someday.e is no miracle worker, he is a hack!
This man is a joke! You cannot come at a dog with aggression and expect it to bow down to you. Cesar’s entire body language screamed Alpha and aggression. It was no surprise that the dog would react that way since his body language said he was uncomfortable eating next to Cesar. This man is a hack and anyone who thinks he can cure dogs with violence and aggression know nothing of training dogs.
Put it down before it really hurts or kills some one
Saw that episode with the worst bite, it was bad. I’ve never missed his shows. He’s the best, training 1 Bulldog and 1 Boston Wasnt getting anywhere until I watched his show. They turned out to be loving dogs. Sadly 3wks ago we lost the bulldog Bugsy to cancer, he was 10. I cant get over it as I’m writung this I’m crying. Don’t care what every thinks of Cesar, I respect him and love him for all he has done for many families.