If You Ever See Your Dog Or Cat Do This, Rush Them To The Vet

Stroke, encephalitis which is inflammation in the spinal cord or the brain caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, hepatic encephalopathy which is a liver condition causing a metabolic disorder, infections in the nervous system such as rabies or fungal, viral, bacterial and parasitic infection or trauma in the head can also cause head pressing.
Head pressing is not head-butting. The latter is cats and dogs affectionately rubbing stuff, people or against the body of other animals. Head pressuring is not a one-off behavior either. Often, head pressing is followed up with many other symptoms and they may also happen simultaneously. Such symptoms are constant pacing, rubbing the face or pushing the head into the ground, walking in circles, damaged reflexes, seizures, visual problems, getting fixed at distinct places and especially in corners, staring at walls and odd calmness or frigidness at times.
Many causes of head pressing are fatal. They must be remedied immediately to save a dog’s life.
Images source: Dogheirs. You can read the full article this review is based on at Dogheirs
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