A Female Rescuer Was Dragged Like A Rug Doll By A Huge Stray Dog! Watch The Epic Rescue Video Here!

Ain’t this an extraordinary story? How many times have we seen or knew a story of an action-packed rescue where a female rescuer had the guts to do the capturing of a dog, a big one at that, all by herself? She had to sneak up on a sleeping Saint Bernard mix and capture him, only to be dragged down like that?
With just one look at the video that is available on the next page, you’ll get an idea on just about how strong the dog was. But with a strong determination to help this poor baby, Loreta refused to let go even if she is now filled with grass cuts and blisters. What a true hero!
I, on behalf of all animal pet owners out there, would like to thank Loreta, Eldad, and other groups that never fail to put a smile on our faces for their selfless acts of rescuing dogs and other animals. Loreta, you are blessed with a big and kind heart, and we wish you continue to be an inspiration and hero animals you are able to help.
If only all people would learn how to appreciate how wonderful dogs are, and that they deserve the right to be cared for and love, then we won’t have dogs and animals who are abused, neglected, stray and unhappy. What a wonderful world it would be to live with our pets and other animals in harmony, just enjoying each other’s company.
If only…
But I don’t want to lose hope. There may be people who don’t care about dogs, but I believe there are more people who love them and are willing to rescue them. Like in Gershwin’s story, he may have been left as a stray by his previous owner, but he gained more humans after all he’s been through.
And I hope and pray that someday, one day, very soon, no dog will roam the streets, desserts or wherever, without an owner who loves them.
Watch the epic rescue video below!
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