Fireworks Caused This Pit Bull To Flee From His Home. Luckily, Something Teeny And Tiny Was With Him

So, the rescuers went to work. They set up a plastic fence to secure the area. This will serve as a wall so that the Pit Bull will have no way of running away from them.
When Eldad approached the car and lifted the cover where the Pit Bull was near, he growled at his rescuers. The poor guy was so afraid of them. They took their time and patiently waited for him to get accustomed to them and their presence.
Eldad tried hand feeding him with a hotdog to coax him to move closer, but the Pit Bull won’t even take a bite. His fear was far greater than his hunger, so he chose to ignore the yummy treat. Using a gentle snare, he tried to talk to him, but he still won’t come close enough, preventing his rescuer from securing the gentle snare around his neck.
After a few attempts and lots of patients, Eldad finally caught him with the snare. After a few moments, he tried to slowly lead the Pit Bull out of his hiding. The dog complied but since he still visibly scared and obviously afraid, Eldad used a towel to try and pet him. After feeling the affection, the Pit Bull quickly relaxed and looked at his rescuers with calm eyes.
After leading him out of his hiding spot, they put the lucky leash around his neck and tried to scan him for a microchip. If he has one, then they will be able to locate his owner and asked them what they plan with the dog.
Hope For Paws was able to record the call between Eldad and the Pit Bull’s registered owner. To say his rescuers were ecstatic was an understatement. Why? Because his owner was actually looking for him and it’s been four days since he went missing.
Apparently, his owners had a party four days ago. They said he probably got scared so he got out. However, Boy, the name of the rescued Pit Bull, never really leaves the house, which is why they got worried when they found out he ran away. The fireworks could be the reason why Boy was hiding and was really afraid. Boy’s family thank Eldad after the call.