Awesome Five Love Languages As Told By Dogs!

Do you know the five languages used to express your love, and how others express theirs? I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that both people and animals have different ways of expressing love, but in many ways, are too similar to miss. Some show their love by cuddling, holding hands, or even kissing. Some show their love by doing chores for their loved ones, or by saying I love you’s directly. Some have other means of professing their feelings, but all in all, there are five ways to do it.
Years ago, I came across an article that spoke about the 5 Languages of Love. The book was written by renowned marriage counselor, Director of Marriage Seminars, and with a long list of degrees, anyone would be proud of – Dr. Gary Chapman. The book was a huge success and is still is. It became a best seller, and suffice to say, many people were enlightened, that includes me.
In his book, he poured his heart out giving it a special recipe that made it possible to be a huge success. He wrote the book with such passion, used his expertise he has learned over the years and the most important ingredient of all, was his expert advice when it comes to the subject. He used the failures as well as successes of his marriage to share with his audience a lesson that is very much informative and useful.
There are Five Languages of Love, as I mentioned before. But what does it has to do with dogs you say? Well, I came across a video that was not only entertaining and precious at the same time but was also very special in its own way. Dogs were used to describe how the five languages work, and how these mighty canines are able to show their love using their own doggy languages.
But first, let’s get a brief review of Dr. Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages. You may have heard about them before, but just for a quick recap, here they are.