Awesome Five Love Languages As Told By Dogs!

5. Physical Touch.Wonder why there are people who are huggers, cuddlers and basically touchy feely? These are the type of people who feel loved and shows their love by using the sense of touch. Dogs love this. They love to be pet, receive belly rubs and hugs from you as much as they love licking and cuddling with you.
There you have it! The Five Love Languages. Some are content showing and receiving love with a combination of two, while other can settle for less or even all of the five languages. Which of the five do you use to express your love? Which of these do you want to receive from your loved ones, especially your dogs?
In my case as well as my dogs, we love using words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. Can’t wait to see the video? So am I!
Here are the 5 Love Languages as Told By Dogs.
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