When A Group Of Kids Found This Poor Stray Poodle, They Thought It was Already Dead!

Good thing, they did not lose hope and contacted Hope For Paws. After letting the rescue group about the help they needed, they did not have to wait long before Laureta and Eldad came to the rescue.
Upon arrival, both rescuers cheerily approached the kids who waited patiently for their arrival. They were making sure the dog is safe and won’t run away before helps come to him.
The dog was visibly afraid – he was shaking and fearful. When Laureta came to put the leash around his neck, he panicked after feeling he was captured. He started crying and whining and tried to pull himself away. Thankfully, the leash was already secured in his neck. The rescuers cooed the stray dog and soon he relaxed in just a matter of seconds after being rescued.
They spent a few more moments to talk to the kids while letting poor Nobu get used to them. They praised the kids for them being kind and patient The kids told Hope For Paws their story and how they tried asking help from other organizations only to receive replies they did not anticipate.
The rescuers were shocked and assured the kids that they don’t need to ask for donations before they rescue dogs. They also told the kids they never euthanize rescue dogs after a few days. The kids were very thankful and were visibly happy that the dog is now in safe hands.
The rescuers bid goodbye and traveled back to their headquarters to give Nobu a nice warm bath. It was there that they found his hair was all tangled and had to be cut off. Another issue was Nobu have lots of ticks – hundreds of them!
His rescuers had to spend a couple of hours painstakingly removing each and every tick in his body. They were so many, they were just crawling all over his body. Nobu just lay there on the examination table, waiting for them to finish. It seems like he knew they only wanted to help him, so he stayed quiet and still. Finally, all ticks are gone and they shaved his fur off.