Healthiest Dog Foods That Will Make You Rethink Your Dog’s Diet And Implement It Today!

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Human Food For Dogs
Here is the list of the 12 healthiest human foods for our canines:

1. Peanut butter
2. Chicken
3. Cheese
4. Carrots
5. Yogurt
6. Pumpkin
7. Eggs
8. Green Beans
9. Salmon
10. Sweet Potatoes
11. Apples
12. Oatmeal

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Which ones surprised you? I would have to say that I was particularly surprised by pumpkin, green beans, and eggs. I know how much dogs love a piece of bacon, but it honestly didn’t occur to me that dogs can enjoy eggs. Raw or cooked, your dogs can take advantage of biotin, protein, riboflavin, and selenium. I certainly never would have guessed that if you choose to feed the dogs raw eggs, then your smartest bet is to keep the shells on. That lets them enjoy the full range of benefits.

I did know that salmon is healthy in omega-3 fatty acids. What never occurred to me was that dogs could take advantage of that. Those fatty acids come packed with a plethora of useful vitamins. However, make sure you give them the salmon in the form of supplements, or in a fully cooked, unseasoned form. Under no circumstances should you give your dog raw salmon!

I really enjoyed this article. It provided me with a ton of valuable information. It also reminded that when it comes to people food and dogs, even the healthy stuff should only be given in moderation. You can read the full story at 12 healthiest foods for dogs

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