You Should Hear This Great Dane Throwing Jealous Tantrum Over His Brother Getting All Of The Attention

At the beginning of the video, the dog seems to understand that it’s cuddle time. What the dog seemingly didn’t expect is that another dog would be there to get the attention! The dog immediately expresses its displeasure by making odd, low, growling noises. Although really, “growling” might be not the right word. You could honestly say that the dog is making steady, very loud grumbling noises. It is pretty obvious that the dog is not thrilled in the least with any other dog getting the attention they clearly believe they deserve. It’s pretty adorable. The dog only barely listens to the repeated command to stay on the couch. Doing so clearly gives the dog some minor, comical distress. It just can’t stand the thought of having to wait for a turn!Stay for the end of the video. You’re definitely going to find yourself laughing pretty hard. Do any of your dogs’ ever act like that? What do you think you can do to calm them?Subscribe To Our Mailing List Today