This Huge German Shepherd Playing With Puppy Is Absolutely Adorable

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How They Play
Those who own dogs should comprehend that the behavior of the dogs is apart from the human. How they play cannot be associated on how the kids play. If you saw your small dogs growling, running, chasing and nipping then you must understand that this is a normal behavior of the canine. This may look like too intense with the owner, but this is how the dogs play. If you take away your dogs just because you think you are protecting them, you are taking the opportunity to develop away from them. There are moments that you need to separate the small dogs from the large dogs, but it is essential to know that moment.
If you are not sure if the puppy is not enjoying it, take the collar of the bigger dog and lead him away from the smaller dog. In the event that the puppy follows, this means that he is enjoying his time with the bigger dogs.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.