Do You Know What Happens When You Put 16 Puppies Under One Roof…? Watch Now!

Now Liv and Dag actively breed and show Basenjis. In the video, the 16 dogs are actually from a litter of three. The family themselves own two Basenjis and the rest of the litter is co-owned and owned by other people. Since the day Liv fell in love with her first Basenji, she couldn’t stop inspiring people that fall in love with them as well.
Basenjis for Best in Show
As you can see in the video, Basenjis are one of the most adorable breeds in the world. These puppies are great with children and families and are quite smart and docile. Growing up with a Basenji was one of the defining moments in Liv’s life and that’s no surprise—these dogs are faithful and form a strong emotional bond with their owner.
Even if you don’t have a Basenji or a dog at all, Liv and Dag hope that you get as much enjoyment and love out their dogs as they do. Dogs are one of the life’s best gifts, so make sure you take the time to enjoy them!