This Labrador Retriever Dog Lends A Helping Paw To This Cute And Tiny Chihuahua And It Is Adorable

All Dogs Are Great Swimmers But Labrador Retrievers Are One Of The Best Ones
Sometimes Labs realize that their smaller brothers need a helping paw and they happily extend it, without asking any questions, as you will see in this video. This small Chihuahua is still learning to swim and she is making a huge effort to stay afloat and to get out of the pool, it is adorable to watch and on top of that you will see that the hero Labrador dog standing by and anxiously watching, to make sure that everything is in order.
LOVE this lab so much!! Very smart and loving!! SO very grateful he saved this little pup!! LOVE and blessings!!
First off the chihuahua saved himself, and I find that this was human heartless cruelty. This poor pup was scared for its life.
Why didn’t the person putting this on facebook help this dog?
Love this sweet post!!
To those filming this….if this was a 2 legged kid, would you stand by, filming, while it thrased desperately with abject fear in its eyes?!? Do you find this FUNNY?!?!
The dog was probably in the family pool and needed to learn how to swim so there wouldn’t be an accident and with the human parent watching it was learning how to survive if he fell in by accident with no one outside.
What helping paw? Stupid. The lab did nothing but get upset.
Dogs do know how to swim. He is small so it takes him longer.
this makes me so mad stupid humans laughing while the sweet little dog was panicking and exhausted so glad the lab was there he could see the small dog was in trouble idiots they dont deserve to have a dog ,
That is so neat,helping paw,,,