This Little Doggy Was a Trash To Somebody Who Threw Him Out In a Dumpster, Now Watch What He Has Done For This Family

This Little Girl Named Maya Has a Very Rare Neurological Disorder. This Condition Makes It Very Difficult For Her To Speak or Swallow
And it so happens that her speech therapist recommended to get a dog for her, to help little girl with her socialization issues. The dog that these family adopted has been thrown out in a dumpster and the lid of that dumpster was closed when he was found.
This poor dog was in a very horrible shape. He was covered in flees and dirt. When family came over to the Humane League, Maya went over to the cage where Jack was and he couldn’t stop licking her. Maya spoke more words while playing with Jack, than she spoke the whole week prior to that, her mom recalls.
Maya was diagnosed with this rare disease when she was only three years old and at that time, doctors warned that she will have seizures at some point in her life. She started having them when she was eight. What even more amazing is that Jack can sense seizures coming and runs over to her room from downstairs before she has them. He was able to save her life by anticipating seizures and he was right there breaking her hard fall.
Click to the next page to read more and to watch this incredible video of a rescued dog that became a lot more than this little girl could ever ask for…