Make Homemade Paw Print Ornaments This Christmas

• Once you have the dough, take a bit of it and knead it into a ball. You will need a ball that is large enough when flattened to accommodate the paw of your dog. This will be influenced by the breed of the dog, its size and how old it is.
• Take the ball and roll it out onto a cookie sheet. Try to make more than a few balls since you may not have the desired result with one or more. After you lay out the flattened dough on the cookie sheet, take your pet and place its paw on the dough. Push the paw gently so you can get a print. Don’t be too hard but don’t be too gentle either.
• Cut a circle around the print so you can have a hole after cooking it. This will make it easier to hang on the tree with a ribbon. Cook the dough in a 200-degree oven for two hours. Let it cool and you can paint it if you want. You will have your homemade paw print ornament.
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