Man Bursts Into Tears When He Finds His Stolen Pit Bull

A whole year passed by and no one had spotted even a glance of Barry’s beloved dog, Titan. Until one day… someone miraculously did. A woman recognized Titan at the local pound from the Facebook page called, “Loxahatchee Lost and Found”, and she got in contact with Barry immediately. Barry rushed to the pound in hopes that his dreams of finding Titan were about to come true, and there was (quite literally, he learned), no time to waste. When he arrived, the shelter confirmed that they had Titan on site, and much to Barry’s disbelief, he had arrived there just in time—the staff informed him that since Titan had been there so long, he was just days away from being euthanized.
Barry approached Titan’s kennel greeting him with his usual, “hey boy!”, and without skipping a beat Titan jumped up and began barking like mad, overjoyed to see his owner and best friend standing before him. Barry videotaped the reunion on his phone to share on social media and the video is truly emotional. Through tears, one can hear Barry’s voice say, “He turned up…. he’s here”.
While this story is truly a miracle, unfortunately not all stories turn out this way. With the help of “micro chipping” and the Humane Society of the United States, this can be prevented. Please microchip your pets!
You can read the full story this review is based on here.