Amazing Symbiotic Relationship Between Dying Boy And Rescued Dog

This boy’s name is Lucas, and he has a very rare and incurable disease called “san filippo syndrome”.
Unfortunate reality is that doctors have given him 5 years until he goes in complete vegetative state and…until about mid teens life expectancy.
His parents are of course aware of the harsh realities, but it is still has a huge affect on them as it would on any parent. They made a decision to buy him a service dog, but service dog costs $14,000 according to estimates that they have received.
So after doing some research they have adopted a Belgian Malinois from a shelter paying $100 for him. (Malinois or Belgian Shepherd Dogs, are very trainable and extremely adaptable dogs. They are so good that they are used by Secrete Service to guard the grounds to the White House. ) The boy and the dog had almost instant chemistry. The parents were very happy because boy became more social and more willing to go outside to play.
This amazing dog named Juno gave Lucas a hope and a purpose in life, just like Lucas and his family gave to Juo. They breathed into each other a new life and they became each other’s reason and hope to live.
Breed Facts:
The Malinois /ˈmælɨnwɑː/ is a medium to large[1] breed of dog, sometimes classified as a variety of the Belgian Shepherd Dog rather than as a separate breed. It is named after the Belgian city of Malines, where the breed originated. Its name is the French word for Mechlinian, which in Dutch is either Mechelse herder or Mechelaar (one from Mechelen). The breed is used as a working dog for tasks including detection of odors such as explosives, accelerants (for arson investigation), and narcotics; tracking of humans for suspect apprehension in police work; and search and rescue missions. The U.S. Secret Service uses the Malinois Dogs to guard the grounds of the White House.[2] source: wikipedia