Now This Is What A Hero Looks Like! Find Out How A Golden Retriever Puppy Saved His Owner’s Life!!!

November 16, 2024 | Awesome, Awesome Too
| Godwin was enjoying the hike so much and failed to realize that a rattlesnake was nearby. She almost stepped on the vicious snake that was laying on the path in front of her.
Startled, the rattlesnake struck and bit. However, things took an incredible turn when Godwin’s Golden Retriever puppy named Todd blocked the rattlesnake just in time. Because Todd’s face was in the way, the rattlesnake thankfully failed to cause serious harm on Godwin, but got Todd’s muzzle instead.

Thanks to the heroic act of Todd, the young pup saved his mom’s life and sacrificed his own without skipping a beat. If he did not jump right in front of his mom, things could have ended differently.
However, Todd was in so much pain he started yelping and whining. His muzzle, the part where his face was bitten started swelling up fast. Thankfully, Godwin was able to rush Todd to the animal hospital. Just a few minutes after the horrible incident, Todd was treated by a local vet who gave him antivenom. They had him monitored the whole day just to make sure he’s okay.
If it were not for Todd, his mom could have been hurt. Their venom can cause blurred vision, the difficulty of breathing and extreme pain among other symptoms. Although rattlesnakes almost always keep to themselves, they won’t hesitate to strike when they feel threats coming their way.
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