Now This Is What A Hero Looks Like! Find Out How A Golden Retriever Puppy Saved His Owner’s Life!!!

November 16, 2024 | Awesome, Awesome Too
One can say that it was fate which made it possible for Godwin and her two dogs to be at the same place and the same time as the rattlesnake. But, thanks to Todd’s quick timing and love for his family, he took the blow without thinking.
Godwin claims and I quote: “This is what a hero looks like.” She shared her experience on Facebook where it went viral overnight. As of writing, her post gained 7,700 plus likes, 2,800 plush shared and many comments. People from all over the world shared their feelings and thoughts on the incident – most praising the newfound hero named Todd.
Godwin claims the support and loves her family has received more than overwhelming and thanked everyone who took the time to write their feelings. Todd is now recovering well.
Todd’s family started a Gofundme account which aims to help cover other dog’s medical bill which was also bitten by rattlesnakes.

It’s incredible how loyalty goes a long way when it comes to dogs. How can someone be so selfless? When it comes to your safety, only a few are brave enough to step up and lay their life on the line in exchange for other’s safety. Will be willing to do so just to save your loved ones? It’s effortless to say yes, but very difficult to do so, especially when the moment strikes.
Thanks to a brave and young hero, another human was saved. Thanks to another faithful and extremely protective dog, the bar is raised again making our love, respect and admiration for dogs grow substantially.
This is the very reason why we must love and treasure our pets. It is not because we want something in return. But because they are family, they deserve to receive the same unconditional love and loyalty they offer us.
The story and all images are by Paul Godwin via FB post.