An Odd Friendship Between A Tiny Squirrel Named Quasi And His Savior, Pongo The Dog.

Quasi would do something and Pongo would be in tow, watching, keeping a close distance as if protecting Quasi as much as he can. The little squirrel would play around with his nuts, grab some and try to hide the nuts in Pongo’s belly or on his graying fur. The senior Basset dog would just sit back, relax and let Quasi do as he pleases.
Their owner was very happy with how well her pets are getting along, especially little Quasimodo and her dog. Their love and care for each other is very much evident, and always warms her heart.
Amazing, isn’t it? When at times of need, animals are able to set aside their feelings and instincts just to help those species that are not commonly friends with their own. Quasi and Pongo’s friendship is one solid proof of what I’m talking about. How I wish us humans act and feel like this. That whenever the time arises and another human needs our help. We take the initiative to help without asking for anything in return, without discrimination on our race, color or religion.
It never fails to surprise me how animals tend to not only be sympathetic but be more empathic towards others than us humans do. I believe it’s about time we learn how to adapt this trait. Just to sit back, relax, set aside our differences and just work together to build a better world for everyone and everything that lives in here.
It’s stories like this that needs to be heard and happen more.
Watch the amazing story of Quasi and Pongo here
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