One Look At This Dog’s Poor But Pretty Eyes and Your Heart Will Surely Break

Anna was extremely emaciated, which means she was abnormally weak and thin because she was not properly fed and given enough clean water. She was also extremely dehydrated and was anemic. The amount of water intake was far less than required to keep a healthy dog’s body.
She lost a significant amount of body fat, her body mass was extremely low, and her blood protein levels are very low.
To make matters worse, Anna also has internal parasites that thrive in her digestive tract. Whatever small amount of food Anna actually eats, the parasites are the ones digesting them making Anna starve to death. She was also covered in fleas – her whole body has hundreds of them, mostly because of the environment she was in while in the pound. Her fragile and weakened body was itching so much the only relief she gets is when she scratches them.
Not only that, Anna has a serious case of mange – a skin disease caused by parasitic mites that can cause severe itching, skin dryness, loss of fur and formation of lesions and scabs. The mange and fleas caused Anna to scratch herself like crazy which led to her harming her skin, creating new wounds in addition to the already existing wounds.
To top it all off, she also has ear infections. Her long list of medical conditions seems to go on and on forever. But luckily for Anna, help has come and her life was about to make a full turn.
Anna was put on IV glucose, given various antibiotics to treat her infections and lots of medications to help make her condition bearable, not to mention the prescribe amino acids as well as medicated baths.
Despite everything that Anna has been through – possibly abused and abandoned before making her way to the dog pound, barely surviving, starving, dehydrate and sick, the time has come to take it all back and make her feel the love and care she deserves.