Watch as 170 Dogs Were Rescued In A Dog Meat Farm In South Korea!

In the midst of all these, I’ve learned that this video was uploaded December last year. In the description, to say I was shocked after reading what’s written was not enough.
This is actually the 10th dog meat farm that HIS have cleaned out ever since they launched their campaign to stop and eradicate dog meat farms. Just imagine – how many dogs have they rescued in those 10 farms? How many dog meat farms are there left?
The good thing is they stated that the owner of the dog meat farm will now grow vegetables on his land. The Humane Society of the United States has been working for nearly 3 years now to stop dog meat farms in South Korea. The work with farmers in making a business transition – from dog meat farms to humane and alternative options such as crop farming or water delivery.
But as much as I hate to admit, and no matter how much I hope and pray that he will really stop getting involved in the dog meat trade, old habits die hard.
South Korea’s PyeongChang Winter Olympics was held last month. There have been reports that authorities in South Korea claimed that the dog meat trade was supposed to stop May of last year. But it seems that was not the case, as it’s still ongoing.
The act of buying, selling and eating dog meat was meant to be a legal grey area and is frowned upon by many. However, due to claims that the meat taken from man’s best friend was popular and in demand, the act has become more hidden.
Just 70 miles away from the Pyeongchang Stadium, the place where the Winter Olympics was held, lies South Korea’s largest open-air dog market – the Moran Market in Seongnam. But with ll of the images that emerged showing dogs are in cages alive but cramped in a cage or two, are seen in storefronts ready to be bought.
I know some people are fond of eating foods that may be a little bit off to some who are not native of such place where they treat some animals and insects as delicacies, and that’s okay for me. However, when it comes to dogs, that’s a whole different story.