Watch as 170 Dogs Were Rescued In A Dog Meat Farm In South Korea!

It was said that dogs have been eaten by people many many years ago, but ever since they were domesticated and made as pets, the practice has gradually died down. But apparently, this is not the case in some places like in South Korea.
Although more people from this country have started to treat dogs as pets, and the younger generations have considered the practice as taboo, there are still some who patronize dog meats. HIS estimates about 2 million dogs are slaughtered yearly to be sold and eaten. Some are made into a bosintang soup that was believed to increase the eater’s sex drive.
But still, I, I really have no words. As a dog owner, I cannot fathom such act. I mean, we do buy dogs from sellers, but not to eat them, right? But in some places, it seems you can buy dogs, and after that, you can just do whatever you want since you bought them.
I’m just glad no such news has been reported of dogs being eaten here in the US. We really don’t deserve dogs. The lest we can do is spread awareness and support groups that help dogs out of horrible places such as meat farms.
Dogs are meant to be loved and cared for as pets, not be treated as food, a delicacy. They are the best companion, guard and support anyone can have. Let’s not treat them any less than that.
Watch the awesome video below!
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