Pomeranian Facts Every Pomeranian Fan And Future Owner Needs To Know

The Queen Of England, Queen Victoria loves the fluffy Pomeranian breed. She actually popularized the breed in 1888, and have owned a total of 35 Poms during her reign. She started by importing four Poms from Italy. One was named Marco, and the other Gina. We are not sure about the names of the remaning two who became her first four Poms, but this surely influenced the public’s infatuation with the dog breed. Mozart, for example, has his own pet Pomeranian named Pimperl, while Martin Luther had one named Belferlein who was very lucky to be included in some of his writings. Michael Angelo also had a Pom who went with him while he was painting the very famous ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
It was reported that some dogs – a total of 3 were able to survive the legendary sinking of the Titanic. Two of those dogs are lucky Poms. The other dog was a Pekingese. It was no wonder how these small dogs lived – their short and small forms made them easy to hide under blankets or coats used by their owners during the shipwreck. It only means their owners loved them to the moon and back, that they would do anything to keep these babies safe.
Poms maybe playful and friends, but they are not good with kids. No, it’s not because these are still animals who have tempers, but because Poms are fragile little creatures, and kids, well kids will be kids. They can be a bit rough and hurt these dogs without realizing and meaning it.
Contrary to popular beliefs, the dog breed Pomeranian doesn’t shed much, but when they do it is in patches. Don’t believe that all long-haired dogs are those that shed much. All Poms will go through an “Ugly Phase” before they reach adulthood. Patches of fur will fall out to give way to adult fur. No need to worry though, this is a natural phenomenon and is only a temporary thing. I do not agree with the term Ugly Phase. Although they may look like a little bit scraggly, they are still one of the cutest pets there is. Most Poms go through three shedding – seasonal, ugly phase and when a female Pom weans a litter.
Poms may not look tough or intimidating, but they actually make great guard dogs. They tend to bark a lot and will bark at almost everything – alerting their owners especially if there is someone else on their territory.