This Poor Scared Dog Wakes Up Her Rescuer In Middle Of Night To Thank Her

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She had to be picked up and carried to the car so Slown could have got her home. As Slown began the quest to help Niya recover completely from her injuries and also to heal her memories to the extent possible, a strange development shook her to the core.
image source: Arrow Dog Rescue
One night, Niya breathed directly into Slown’s hand. Slown was sleeping, she got up and started petting Niya. The dog needed attention. She did not want to come to the foster home but was brought nevertheless. The first day she slept like there was no tomorrow. Gradually, she must have realized that she was safe, there was no one to hurt her, Slown wanted only good things to happen to her and she must have started feeling nice about where she was. Yet, she could not forget the nightmare she had obviously encountered. She was scared so she grabbed whatever was near her. She found Slown’s arm dangling from the bed and grabbed it. One doesn’t have to be an expert to guess that Niya would be the most loving and caring dog.
You can read the full story this review is based on at thedodo.

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