Poor Stray Dog Rescued After Falling in Boiling Water

The badly injured dog was visibly in pain. She was shaking, afraid and her wounds looked very painful. She was found lying amongst a dirty floor with trash surrounding her. The environment she was in plus the fact that she has big burn injuries made it a great possibility for her wounds to be injected and her skin to necrotize.
One of the members of the rescue group wrapped her in a blanket and gently picked her up. She never showed any aggression but very nervous and in pain all the way to the clinic. They traveled back to their clinic to check on the extent of her wounds, clean her up and help her heal up.
It was confirmed on their headquarters that her burned skin was already necrotic. This means the skin and surrounding tissues have already died. If they don’t remove the dead skin, she’ll be more at risk of infection, is she doesn’t already have one. They applied cream on her burns and tried to keep her comfortable and ease the pain as much as possible.
The next day, they needed to remove all the dead layers on the necrotic skin to stop the infection from getting worse. It was not an easy nor a quick task. The process of removing the necrotic skin would take days. They tried their best to clean her wounds with antiseptics and bandaged her burnt skin up. Even with all the pain, she kept quiet. She opted to take it all like the brave little girl she is.
They gave her pain relievers, fed her and kept her as comfy as possible. But since this is a burn case, we know that the road to recovery is very much painful.
On the seventh day, her rescuers removed all of the remaining dead skin after sedating her so she won’t be in too much pain. By now one can see the extent of her wounds. The good thing is her skin is now starting to heal. They slathered her with more cream to help speed up the healing, gave her medicines and bandaged her up again.
This went for several weeks. The accident may have killed her slowly… in a very painful death, but she proved she’s a strong-willed and brave girl who was able to endure the unimaginable pain. With the help of her rescuers, vets and the good Samaritan to made it to a point to make sure she gets the help she needs, she was able to conquer it all.