Poor Stray Dog Rescued After Falling in Boiling Water

Three months after the long and painful recovery, Basanti is now living her life to the fullest – pain-free. She was no longer the poor stray dog who has burn injuries with no energy to move. She now is a very happy and active dog who gives her rescuers the unconditional love she can offer. For this very brave female dog, she owed her life to those who helped her.
Isn’t amazing how a little bit of love and care can make a big difference when it comes to nursing an injury? I am one of those firm believers that the fastest way to heal is treatments mixed with a little bit of love and care. It does wonders in helping alleviate the pain, but that is not the most important part. The thing is, love and care give you courage – the extra push that helps make the pain more bearable and worth it.
I am very much thankful for all the people who never fail to amaze me with their humble hearts and dedication. By making sure they take in the animals who were viewed by others as a useless case until they are good enough to find a forever home, they are giving these poor souls a second chance at life.
It’s cases like these that make you think there are still many good people in the world. Faith in humanity was restored indeed, which is why we need more people like them ours in the streets. We as dog owners can also make a difference by helping in our own little ways. Kudos to all animal rescue team, and may you all be blessed with long and happy lives so you may continue doing what you do best.
Watch Besanti’s road to recovery below!
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