Puppy Chews On Owner’s Phone, Gets Punished In Most Horrific Way Ever

One could have opened the door and let the puppy out to never see it again in their life if chewing the phone was so unforgivable. Tuffy was six weeks old back then.
Tuffy, as the pup has been named since, was lucky to have been found by a caring and kindhearted woman. Tuffy was certainly spotted by many passersby and was definitely ignored by some. It is obvious. A tiny puppy, suffering from burns due to the boiling water and almost lifeless due to the fall from the fourth-floor balcony will be extremely graphic to just watch, let aside holding and picking it up or taking it to the veterinarian.
But Yan Yingying, a thirty-year-old woman, was the angel that Tuffy needed.
She stopped to pick Tuffy up, went to the local veterinarian and what started was a miraculous journey of recovery. Tuffy underwent many treatments including skin grafting. Yan did not let Tuffy up for adoption. She chose to keep him.