This Rescue Dog Was Mistreated So Badly Now He Is Afraid To Go Into His New Home

At the clinic, Watson started showing how he can regain his natural lively self. He started wagging his tail, he was moving and he ate & drank. Samantha, who had initially rescued Watson, chose to be the foster mom. Knowing what Watson was suffering from and what would be needed on her part to help his recovery, she took him home. There she was introduced to another reality. Watson would not enter the home.
Credit: Houston K911 Rescue
This happens when a dog is accustomed to something and has been warned against something, almost always with abuse and extreme punishment. Watson was clearly kept outside. He was not allowed inside the home. Samantha managed to get Watson inside but then he would not take to the bed. Clearly, he was not given a bed or he was but then denied the right to sleep on the bed. Watson was brutally abused and basic amenities were not provided. That much was certain. Samantha made an effort and Watson started to realize that there is another world where he can be who he should be, he would get what he deserves and that abuse or punishment is not the way of life.
You can read the full story this review is based on here.
You can visit Houston K911 Rescue.