Rescuers Thought They Saved A “Dog”…They Soon Realized It Was Something Else They Just Saved

Riddled with parasites, and missing a great deal of hair, it is unknown where this wolf-dog combination came from. What is known is that the dog has either had little experience with humans, or it has had experiences that were extremely negative. It is also entirely possible that the dog has gone through a combination of both of these things.
Regardless of the reasons, the dog was quickly rescued. It received extensive veterinary care, and it was slowly nursed back to health. Unfortunately, even after the rescue, the dog initially experienced a significant amount of anxiety around human beings. For the most part, regardless of where it was, Castiel would prefer to remain in corners.
The solution is going to warm your heart in the best way possible. It would come in the form of a deep emotional connection to a dog named Tenali. This animal came from the Gray Wolf Wolfdog Rescue, and the results of these two dogs getting together was amazing from almost the very beginning. Through the power of canine companionship, the dog was able to heal its emotional wounds, as well. To look at the dog in the present is to see a dog that has gone through a lot, and has managed to come out of everything in better shape than anyone would have guessed.
You can read the full story this review is based on at TheDodo
Images Source: TheDodo
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