A Sneak Peek Into Vietnam’s Dog Meat Trade

A group of men enjoying a big meal was interviewed. It was a birthday celebration, which meant lots of beers and dog meat. The restaurant they were in serves dog meat exclusively. This only proves that people here clearly enjoy eating what was supposed to be man’s best friend.
Most dog traders get their supply of dogs in Thailand, Lao, and Cambodia. Animal Rights group were able to close down such routes but only increased in a larger demand for dog meats. It is suffice to say that these were the very reason why the dog meat trade in Vietnam failed to cease.
It was reported that there several trucks filled with live dogs come and go inside Vietnam, carrying a whopping total of over 7 tons of dog meat. Inside the moving trucks, dogs were silently crying in cramped cages stacked on top of each other. No breed is spared.According to the driver, he is headed to Hanoi. They get these dogs from the locals who in turn sold the dogs in exchange for cash.
By now, the woman making the documentary headed to one of the provinces in Thailand where dog thieves are allegedly spreading terror and fear among dog owners. Pet dogs and stray dogs are everywhere. Because of the constant fear that pet dogs might be stolen, most owners will retort to caging their beloved dogs to keep thieves away. Yes, if you’re thinking about the thieves stealing dogs for meat, that was the reason why.
A farmer and grocery store owner willing went in for an interview. He has dogs in cages, but his guard dogs are out patrolling their territory. According to the owner, over the past years, 10 of his dogs were stolen. He claims people in this region only have two reasons why they raise dogs – to be guard dogs, or to be sold as dog meat.
There are men who patrol at night, hoping to ward off thieves, if not scare them. However, the men who steal their dogs are armed with stun guns, knives, and other materials to use in capturing dogs. When thieves are caught, they need to pay a fine, which means they can just pay and do it all over again. For those caught by the locals, however, often gets mobbed.What’s even worse? The government seems to have no plan in making a regulation to stop the dog trade. Since no paperwork is required to state where the dogs came from, it makes the buying and selling of dogs for meat an ideal black market trade.