The Story of Murray – A Dog Rescued From The Dead Dog Beach

Because of Murray’s condition, his rescuers have thought about putting him to rest so as not to prolong his suffering. Since they found him positive for distemper, he can have seizures any time and get brain damage, at any given time. It was a very difficult decision for both Beckles, Murray’s rescuer, and the vet.
When they place him on the table to be put down, he started wagging his tail, almost as if to tell them he still wants to live and is still fighting for his life. That’s when the vet decided she could not do it, so they proceeded in treating him.
The road to recovery was almost impossible, as in most cases, dogs who acquired distemper has 80% won’t make it and live a long life. One of Murray’ sister even died from the disease. Beckles and Murray’s vet can only hope and pray he is able to cope with the treatment.
To everybody’s surprise, Murray started responding to his medications. Even if he has medical conditions including seizures, his treatment and his rescuer’s efforts and prayers started to pay off. He used to have a symmetrical face, but now, Murray’s face looks kind of crooked as his head grew in n odd shape. All this was caused by dog distemper.
The only prevention for distemper in dogs is vaccination, but since Murray, along with his brothers and sisters were not given any vaccines to protect them from such diseases.
Murray’s teeth also needed to be removed since all were already rotten. Because of this, his tongue now hangs out of his mouth. But that did not stop a caring and kind-hearted woman from fostering him.
Murray is now happy with his new owner, Gallant, and his new family. He now has two new brothers who also rescue dogs. Although Gallant needs to leave home and Murray from time to time, she makes sure she makes time to see her favorite rescue dog, Murray and regularly use facetime to talk to him.